Student Wellbeing
Smiling Minds   Smiling Minds Care Pack    Smiling Mind is a non-for profit web and app-based meditation program developed by psychologists and educators to help bring mindfulness into your life.  Smiling Mind have developed Digital Care Packs to support kids through COVID-19 and beyond.

These Care Packs provide tips and guidance on how to build positive mental health in children, and offer a range of simple, evidence-based activities that can be used with children aged five to 12 years to provide immediate relief against worry and anxiety, or used to support a proactive positive mental health approach. 

Each pack explores related topics and contains downloadable activities for children, a number of which have been used by year levels across the school to support our students’ emotional wellbeing. To access the Care Packs, click on the link and fill out a simple form

Smiling Minds Care Pack